
Monday, April 9, 2012

Top 10 Excuses for Abandoning Your Blog

NOTE: These are not listed in order of importance. They are just numbered because I am OCD and have to have numbers to help me do a countdown. Plus also, if I had to put them in order, this would never get posted. EVER.  Here goes:

10. You have an infant.
For those of you who don't have a child, let me break this down for you. You see a stay-at-home mom, and think she's got it made. She doesn't have to work (score!) and can sit around all day drinking mojitos and eating bon bons. I didn't think quite to that extreme before O was born, but when I became the full-time CEO at our household, my dreams of becoming June Cleaver got beat to death with the two-by-four of reality. Especially since I have O and sweet baby Apple (or that's what we'll call her here on Main Street) who I just started watching last week (a post and pictures to come soon!)

I love being at home with O and wouldn't trade it for the world. The opportunity to make a little side income while doing what I love (taking care of babies) is a super blessing. But babies are big time suckers. It's as if the clock goes double time when it senses a small child near. One minute they're only able to lay there looking at you, toot, and spit up then the next thing you know, they're rolling over and laughing and cooing... it's amazing! Also see, "You have no time."

9. You have no time.
See, "You have an infant." Enough said.

8. You have too many ideas and can't decide which to post.
When you have an ounce of creativity and a blog, the possibilities are endless. Especially when you have a hilarious husband, adorable baby, wonderful friends, crazy life, and awesome God. It becomes even harder when you are borderline ADD and a perfectionist. I start writing the post... then I rewrite it... then I hate it. Then I pick a new topic... it's a vicious cycle. One of the reasons I started to blog again was to allow myself not to be perfect. A commitment to my followers (Dad plus three LOL) that I will post regardless of whether I think it's stupid or not. As you can see, I still have work to do in this area!

7. It's too late at night.
I love snuggling with my husband, but if it's after 10 PM, you can bet he's passed out with drool on the pillow. So unless I skip snuggle time (TRAVESTY), I can't post too late. Also see, "You're too tired."

6. It's too early in the morning.
If the early bird gets the worm, I'd rather starve. I love sleep. Yes, even more than I love my blog. Also see, "You're too tired."

5. You are too tired.
See number ten, seven, six, and twoe.

4. You are too busy/lazy.
Ever have those to-do lists that stare you in the face? I do. And usually when these mile long honey-do's are before me, I prioritize based on how important it is and how easy it is. Because the last few days have been the epitome of P-izz-ACKED, unfortunately main street is in need of pruning.

3. It's a holiday weekend.
I love holidays. I love time with family and reflecting on what said-holiday is for. Easter is especially dear to me because it's a beautiful reminder of what my Jesus did for me. This year was Baby O's first, and it was so much fun to take her to our church's egg hung, Easter Eggstravaganza! Along with Good Friday service (which was as wonderful as ever - look for a post later this week) and the egg hunt, I attended all four of CP's services so as to sing in the choir. Singing is one of my favorite forms of worship, and I am beyond blessed to be a part of a choir who's heart seeks to glorify the Almighty God we serve. I'm rabbit trailing (pun intended) - to put it short, time gets filled up faster than normal with the holidays.

2. Your family is in town.
Grandma and Grandpa Max have six kids, of which I am the oldest. Add in Mr. D and Baby O and my sister's BF Codester, and it gets crowded. So when we have a meal, it's enough to feed a small herd of elephants. Additionally, we are all loud. Every single one of us. Well, maybe not Codester... he hasn't turned weird yet... just give it time... Anyhow, we're loud, and we talk a lot, and we talk fast about anything and everything under the sun. So by the time we start to lose air, we get tired. See number five.

1. You have an abscessed tooth.
There are many things worse than an abscessed tooth, but when you have an abscessed tooth, you start hallucinating that the following scenarios are favorable to your current predicament:
     - having your arm bit of by a shark.
     - camping with an ax murderer.
     - adopting a pet scorpion.
     - sawing off your left butt cheek with a butter knife.
     - boxing with Mike Tyson.
     - losing to Paris Hilton on Jeopardy.
     - eating Rhino dung.
     - basically anything but having this terrible tooth pain.
That was Thursday night for me. It was awful. The list above gives enough description of how I was feeling, so I'll skip over the snotty, pathetic, weepy story. Anyhow, I had a root canal done this morning, so I'm feeling loads better.

There you go - that's why you haven't heard from me in the last few days. In closing, I have a few things to say:

1. Happy Birthday, Harper Grace and welcome to the world!!!
2. Happy Belated Easter everybody - He is risen!

Good night...going to attempt to snuggle with my drooling hubby...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Code is weird. Don't you worry. LOL glad you're feeling better sissy, love you!


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