
Friday, May 4, 2012

Blessed Am I, Fri. {May 4}

This week was a hard one with O getting sick, impending doula training, and nights of no sleep. While I could choose to be bitter and pissy that this week wasn't a peach, I've decided to remember the little thing that I am so thankful for. The list continues :)

11. Coconut oil with sugar & cinnamon on toast. Yummmmm...
12. Our temporal thermometer. 

13. The sound of rain, lulling me to sleep.

14. Homemade laundry detergent.
15. The Hunger Games audiobook.

16. Much needed date nights. Thanks, Toppings!

17. Baby O laughs. (Even though she was running a 101.5 temp!)
18. Roasted red pepper hummus & carrots.
19. Check marks on my to-do list, regardless of how few.

20. Midtown HyVee's Deal-Of-The-Day (on facebook, here) being vegan! Easy snacks for doula training, woohoo!

And we musn't forget my winnings from yesterday! Check out what, here!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


It has been a crappy week. Monday night Baby O woke up in the middle of the night, which is very unlike her. When she woke up Tuesday morning, she was running a slight fever that climbed to 101.5 by noon. The temp was quickly followed with coughing and an extremely runny nose. I went into crazy-mom mode.

Out came our homeopathic children's cough & congestion medicine, the echinacea, garlic pills, Juice Plus (more on this wonderfulness later) and everything else I could think of to boost my immunity, and therefore, boosting O's immunity because she solely nurses. We sat in steam and used our Nose Frida (google it - AMAZING), and I basically walked around the house offering her my breast any time she would take it so that she'd stay hydrated and get my antibodies into her system. Sorry for that mental image, but I'm happy to say that it's now Thursday night, and she's back to her sassy self with a pretty minor runny nose.

Unfortunately, by 'sassy-self' I mean, she's her sassy-self plus the attitude that comes after two whole days being utterly and completely catered to due to sickness. She doesn't quite understand that I can't (and won't) do this to her all the time. Thus, today was what I refer to as the "purging."

The purging is like the day after you get back from vacation, and the reality sinks in that you don't have people to make your beds every morning or convenient ready-made breakfast muffins at your disposal or a car your kids can demolish with backseat snacks. The day when you sit around doing nothing, nothing happens, and you get annoyed by it. "Where is my room service?" you think, angrily, before realizing you're back home, and you are the room service.

Now imagine that response infant-style. It has a lot to do with yelling, crying, waving of arms and other such forms of aggravations that you see from tiny humans. It is the best form of birth control known to man. It is also the cause of motherly breakdowns and the cause of said mother banging her head repeatedly against the wall in an attempt to deafen herself to the sounds of her tantrum-throwing offspring. Toss another infant into the equation (however sweet Apple is - she was easy today, at least as far as babies go) who needs to be taken care of and loved on, and you've got the beginnings of a craptastic day.

So when I received a voicemail (because I couldn't pick up the phone due to my screaming child) that I had won a drawing from Natural Grocers, I had reason to celebrate.

Little background story...

 My mother, the ever illustrious, Grandma Max, has a winning gene. If she signs up for a drawing, she has a creepily high percentage rate of winning. Over the years she's won an Xbox 360, DVD player (back in the early 2000's when people not only knew what VCR's were, but owned them), various baked goods, raffles, and a trip to Walt Disney World. Yeah, you read that correctly. She won a trip to Disney World. I don't know if it's her Christian morals that keeps her from buying lotto tickets, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be, if I was that lucky. Anyhow...

I have been waiting for something wonderful enough to bring GIF's to my blog, and this was it. I can't even relate to you what the sporadic, scary thrashing I called a happy dance looked like. In my imagination, it was something akin to these:

I'm pretty sure I was sing-scream-yelling like one of those people on Oprah when she gives out free stuff. And again, a visual:

The gyrating of my hips was probably what scared O into silence (for like, a minute) and gave me enough time to call Mr. D at work and tell him the good news.

"That's awesome! What is it?"

I stopped... I didn't know. The thrill of winning something on a day when I felt like a total mommy-loser had completely erased my curiosity.

"Um.. I don't know, but when are you coming home for lunch?"

From there, I basically browbeat my poor husband into taking an early lunch so that he could come home and watch the girls for ten minutes while I ran over to pick up my prize. When Mr. D arrived, I literally threw O into his arms, grabbed the keys, gave a spirited 'woo-hoo', and left. On my way to the grocery store, I contemplated what I could have won. A mountain bike? An iPad? Maybe a lifetime supply of Greek Yogurt?! And what if it beat my mom's all-time winner, Disney World? Oh, the glorious thought!

As I pulled into the parking lot, coming off my high, I realized that I'd unfortunately forgotten that in order to go the grocery store, you should look a little more "public-ready." I wasn't naked or anything... but my sweatshirt, gym shorts, and unwashed hair (which I'd been pulling out all morning due to O's purging day) was quite a sight. What if I won the grand prize, and they needed a picture? Oh, Lord, please, no... the grocers would be all like:

And I'd be all like:

I walked in, calmly, like it was no big deal, and told the clerk that I'd received a voicemail saying that I'd won a prize, gave my name, and to my great relief, she didn't pull out a camera, but went to find my prize.

Then it happened. The moment had arrived. I was going to get my prize. It would be so spectacular, so enthralling that when I brought it home to Mr. D, he was going to start weeping with happiness.  She handed me a blue bag. I said thank you, trying to hold back the excitement.

I looked around, taking in the scene, knowing that I was soon to join my mother's ranks of winningdom... I opened my bag...

And the grand prize WAS:

Fish Oil. Cod Oil. DHA Children's Supplements.

^ My thoughts exactly.

I called Mr. D on the way home, explaining our...winnings.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. We actually do take Omega-3's, so they'll get used.

But as for the fanfare and the ability to say that my mother's 'winning' genes had passed on? Well, not so much.

Hey, it's still a win in my books. On that note, here are some other "winners."

And this one for good measure:

It's aliiiiivvveee!!!!

Signing off - M.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday | May 2

Here it is, people! The moment you've been waiting for all week. *snorts* Just kidding ;)

Wednesday | Zoo with Girlfriends

Black Tank Tunic (America Eagle)
Jean Capri's (Kohl's)
Black Flip Flops (Old Navy)

Thursday | Draft Day! 
GB Packer V-Neck (Scheel's)
Jeans (NY&Company)

Friday | Mommy Date Night
Red V-Neck (Vanity)
Tan Tank Top (Thrifted)
Jean Capri's (Kohl's)
Blue Scarf (Thrifted)
Canvas Shoes (Encore Shoe Department)

Saturday | Birthday & Welcome Party
Grey Tunic (Sunny's Boutique)
Striped Scarf (Sunny's Boutique)
Brown Belt (Maurice's)
Jeans (NY&Company)
Pewter Shoes (Encore Shoe Department

Sunday | Church
Scoop-Neck Top (Von Maur)
Dark Wash Jeans (Target)
Chunky Necklace (Thrifted)
Turquoise Ribbon Belt (from a Maternity Shirt)
Chunky Bracelet (Thifted)
Cobalt Blue Shoes (Charlotte Russe)

Monday | Mommy's Group
(although, I didn't get this on for that...)
Navy Tank (Old Navy)
Stripe & Patterned Tank (Thrifted)
Khaki Shorts (from mi madre)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blessed Am I, Fri.

*It's actually Tuesday. Sorry for making you wish it was Friday. 
See note below.

Blessed Am I, Fri., is an ongoing list of things I am blessed by and thankful for in no particular order. Each Friday, I'll post ten new reasons why I am a blessed woman. Regardless of circumstances, we can ALWAYS find reasons we are thankful!

1. Finishing the Bible! (and beginning it again!)

2. Summer sun in April.

2. Baby swimsuits! (insert 'oohs' and 'awws' and 'how adorable's here)

3. Homemade smoothies. MMmmmm...

5. Book club! (I'll try to post about Day of War, soon!)

10. Cloth diapers. (More on this later.)

6. Glee Music - specifically, Cory Monteith's voice (aka Finn). 

7. Lunch-time kisses from Mr. D.

8. Long phone calls.

9. Mommy-date-nights with my girlfriends.

What are you thankful for this week?

*Yes, I realize it's Tuesday. This was supposed to be posted on Friday, but I was waiting on one last picture from my mommy date, and it went a little later than expected... and then I just forgot. Fail... So why not wait for this Friday, Maddie? Because I have more things to be thankful for this Friday!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday | April 25th

It's that time again! I have to admit that I was not the best WIWW-er this past week. For that, I apologize. I'll do better next week - hold me to it!

Thursday | Working on the garden at the Guenther's!
Didn't snap a picture... of me or the gigantic wolf spider that tried to attack me. And by attack me, I mean, sat there as I ran away, screaming, in my jeans and UNL sweatshirt.

Friday | Baby Shower
Forgive me...this was taken at the end of the day. Can you tell?
Black Tank (Old Navy)
Funkadelic Top from Forever 21 (Gift from my funkadelic sister)
Black accent belt (Von Maur)
Jeans (NY&Company

Saturday (Pre-dedication) | Shopping with family & last-minute errand-running
Mint V-Neck (Target)
Scarf (Target)
Brown Accent Belt (Thrifted)
Jeans (Kohl's)

Saturday (Dedication) | Church & Dinner
Dress (Von Maur)
Yellow Earrings, Necklace, and Flower Bracelet (Dillards)
Flower Accent Sandals (NY&Company)

Sunday | Hanging out with family & the MOPS Silent Auction

This is the best picture I got - look how cute O is!
Brown Tank (The Buckle)
Mustard Yellow Tank (Walmart in high school!)
Brown Accent Belt (Thrifted)
Key Necklace (Homemade)
Jean Capri's (Kohl's)

Monday | Errands & Mommy/Daughter date to Raising Kane's

KONY 2012 T-Shirt (Invisible Children)
Black Tank (The Buckle)
Jeans (Kohl's)

Tuesday | Around the house
Stripe Tank (Thrifted)
Black Tank (Target)
Jean Shorts (Target)
Moby Wrap (Circle Me)
Black Flip-Flops (Old Navy)

Where's Wednesday? Well, you'll just have to check in next week! Have a fantastic rest of the day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby O's Dedication

 "Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you. 
Before you were born, I set you apart."
- Jeremiah 1:5 -

I apologize for lack of posts lately. Last week we were getting ready for a family-and-friends-filled, memorable weekend, so I've been pretty swamped! And memorable it was! We had Baby O dedicated to Jesus on Saturday night. Both sets of grandparents, most of her uncles and aunts, as well as a few of our close friends were there to commemorate the night.

The decision to raise Baby O according to God's Word and to publicly dedicate our lives as parents to doing so is not something we took lightly. Dedication may be a tradition, but we wanted it to be more than just an item to check off of our "to-do" list.

Psalms 127:3 says, "Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him." (NLT) It amazes me that God chose to give us Baby O. We did nothing to deserve her, and yet, we were chosen to be her mom and dad. That's a huge responsibility! We are in charge of shaping a life! 

What's even more amazing is that God called us to be her parents before we were born, ourselves. It's incredible to me that God has been preparing me from the beginning to be O's momma. Just so awesome.

Pastor Jeff with the families having babies dedicated
Eliana, Jack, Baby O, and G'Anaiya

Jeff Haase, the CP Children's Pastor, conducted the ceremony and challenged us with a passage from Nehemiah 13. The story of this particular book in the Bible begins with a man, Nehemiah, and his God-given dream to see Jerusalem's wall rebuilt after seventy years in exile. He leads some of the Israelites back to the holy city, but when the enemy's of Jerusalem realize that the wall is being rebuilt, they plan to attack. Inside the half-built wall, the laborer's are getting tired and the people are afraid that they've come back just to be massacred by their enemies. Nehemiah calls together all of the people according to their families, stations each family by their home and a section of the wall, then encourages them in verse fourteen, saying, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes."

As Baby O's parents we are responsible for her physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In our walks with Jesus, we have to fight against the enemy; it is no different with our children. It's completely naive to think that Satan doesn't want to ruin O's destiny at a young age. Mr. D and I have to protect her, pray for her, and show her what it means to trust God and fight for victory.

That's what dedication is all about. Committing our lives to fight for O. Pray that we're able to do that by God's grace!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the evening!

My sweet family

Grandma & Grandpa Sass

Grandma & Grandpa Max

Getting ready for some cake!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday | April 18

I am awful at taking pictures and blogging on the weekends! You'll have to forgive me.. Saturday, I was worried we'd be taken to the land of Oz, and Sunday, I was lazy. LOL

Here's what I wore :)

Thursday | Date Night
Long-sleeve Scoop-neck Shirt (Kohl's)
Slate Leather Jacket (Thrifted!)
Jeans (Kohl's)
Shoes (Shoe Department Encore)

Friday | MOPS & Errands
This is the best picture... but, hey, I did manage to take both Baby O AND Apple out! Holla! Woop woop!
Brown Tank (The Buckle)
Red Floral-print Shirt (Target)
Jeans (Kohl's)
Baby (Homemade)

Saturday | Hiding at our friend's house from the storm
Jeans & a Green Bay Packer's Sweatshirt (obviously)

Sunday | Church & Shopping (O's dedication is Saturday)
This is the only picture I took on Sunday... I wore this for a few minutes... That works, right?
Striped Dress (that I did not buy from Von Maur) *sigh*

Monday | Singing in the Choir @ District Council
Black Long-sleeve T (Von Maur - my favorite!)
Scarf (Gift from Mom-in-law - also my favorite)
Jeans (NY&Company)
Shoes (Shoe Department Encore)
Black Belt (Talbott's)
Orange Chunk Bracelet (Target)

Tuesday | Around the house & errands with Mr. D & O
Green Tank (Target)
Sweater Shrug (I've had this in my closet so long, I don't remember where I got it)
Brown Accent Belt (Thrifted)
Jeans (Thrifted - Thank you, LinConsign!)
Jewelry - Coral Earrings & Chuck Bracelet from Target (I don't think you can see them, but they are there!)

Wednesday | Errands
Red Undertank (The Buckle)
White Scoop-neck Tank (Old Navy)
Darkwash Jeans (Target)

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