
Friday, May 4, 2012

Blessed Am I, Fri. {May 4}

This week was a hard one with O getting sick, impending doula training, and nights of no sleep. While I could choose to be bitter and pissy that this week wasn't a peach, I've decided to remember the little thing that I am so thankful for. The list continues :)

11. Coconut oil with sugar & cinnamon on toast. Yummmmm...
12. Our temporal thermometer. 

13. The sound of rain, lulling me to sleep.

14. Homemade laundry detergent.
15. The Hunger Games audiobook.

16. Much needed date nights. Thanks, Toppings!

17. Baby O laughs. (Even though she was running a 101.5 temp!)
18. Roasted red pepper hummus & carrots.
19. Check marks on my to-do list, regardless of how few.

20. Midtown HyVee's Deal-Of-The-Day (on facebook, here) being vegan! Easy snacks for doula training, woohoo!

And we musn't forget my winnings from yesterday! Check out what, here!

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