
Sunday, April 15, 2012

But for the joy awaiting Him..

For the entire month, I've wanted to post about Easter. I've started writing, reread, deleted, began again, reread, deleted... Telling the story of God's grace, mercy, redemption, and goodness just doesn't fit in one blog post. Or in ten. Or in a million. So forgive me if this is a bit scattered. 

Now, I know Easter was last week. The ninety-percent markdowns on all things egg, rabbit, or pastel candy related would clue in anyone who just came out from under a rock. Oh, well.  I'm not over it. In fact, I hope that I never 'get over' Easter... I want to remember every morning the sacrifice and victory of Jesus.

Sinning is my unfortunate past-time. Pride, selfishness, fear, shame, self-loathing, unforgiveness, doubt, bitterness, anger... the list goes on and on. I can never do anything to take away what I've done in the past, and I can never be perfect enough to overcome my human nature to do it "my way" in the future. 

God knew that. God knew that I needed a savior, and I needed one desperately. So he sent one. God wanted me badly enough to see His son literally torn to pieces, tortured, mocked, and murdered - all so that He could be with me. And get this - He knew that I had the choice to deny His free gift of salvation. 

That is ludicrous. I wouldn't send Baby O to die to save ANYBODY, let alone, someone who may just reject me. 

You know what the worst part about the crucifixion is, though? All the physical pain that Jesus bore, was nothing compared to when He was separated from His father. God's son took on all of the sins of all of the people to ever live, and it made Him so hideous that His holy Father could not bare to look at him. God could not be in the same place as all of our ugliness - the ugliness that Jesus was taking upon Himself. That's hell, people. Separation from God is hell. As long as I am living (and in death because I believe in Christ), I will never have to experience the weight of being completely separated from God.

Wow. Just let that sink in.

He endured what I will never have to just because He wants me.


Hebrews 12:2 (NLT) says, "We do this (persevering) by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding it's shame..."

Again, wow. 

The joy awaiting Jesus was not only being reunited with His Father, but it was being able to be with me! I am part of the joy that Jesus went to hell for. The very person who's sin nailed Him to a cross was part of the joy He was looking forward to.

As a believer, how can I ever get over that?

The beauty of His love is that God did this for all. For me and for you. 

He is so awesome. I am so thankful for His presence in my life, for the incredible grace He shows me, and for the knowledge that He wants me regardless of all the crud I carry around.

I don't know where you are, or what you believe, but I pray that every day you remember that you are Jesus' joy... that He made a way for you... and that the life He gives is abundant. 

Happy Easter, everyone.

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