
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blessed Am I, Fri.

*It's actually Tuesday. Sorry for making you wish it was Friday. 
See note below.

Blessed Am I, Fri., is an ongoing list of things I am blessed by and thankful for in no particular order. Each Friday, I'll post ten new reasons why I am a blessed woman. Regardless of circumstances, we can ALWAYS find reasons we are thankful!

1. Finishing the Bible! (and beginning it again!)

2. Summer sun in April.

2. Baby swimsuits! (insert 'oohs' and 'awws' and 'how adorable's here)

3. Homemade smoothies. MMmmmm...

5. Book club! (I'll try to post about Day of War, soon!)

10. Cloth diapers. (More on this later.)

6. Glee Music - specifically, Cory Monteith's voice (aka Finn). 

7. Lunch-time kisses from Mr. D.

8. Long phone calls.

9. Mommy-date-nights with my girlfriends.

What are you thankful for this week?

*Yes, I realize it's Tuesday. This was supposed to be posted on Friday, but I was waiting on one last picture from my mommy date, and it went a little later than expected... and then I just forgot. Fail... So why not wait for this Friday, Maddie? Because I have more things to be thankful for this Friday!

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