
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We all scream for I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M

SPOILER ALERT! If you tend to puke in your mouth due to crunchy hippy things, this may not be the post for you. Unless, of course, you like puking in your mouth.

I made the monumental mistake of giving Baby O some ice cream. Check it out...

After this incident, I think it's time to take some drastic measures. Yes. That means Breaskmilk Icecream ala Madison.

I know, freak out. But HELLO, it's better for her to have that than our icecream! And I don't think this is a phase... I mean, look at that girl and her spoon. She's all like, "MM-hmm, me and my BFF spoon, going to ride safely in my carseat..."

Judge me, but here's the recipe. I won't know how it tastes because for me, that's a little weird to drink your own milk, but I'll let you know if O likes it.

P.S. I TOLD you, I'm a crunchy hippy! Check out that post here.

Breastmilk Ice Cream
(1 Serving)

1/2 c. Breast Milk
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1 tbsp. Sugar
4 c. Crushed Ice
4 tbsp. Salt
2 Quart-size Freezer Bags
1 Gallon Freezer Bag

Combine the milk, vanilla, and sugar into a 1 quart freezer bag and mix thoroughly. Make sure the bag is tightly sealed then put that bag into another 1 quart freezer bag to protect it from the salt. Now, put those bags in a 1 gallon freezer bag, pour in the ice and salt, and use gloves to mix it around until it sets. For one serving it takes about eight minutes to set.

Let me know if any of you BF momma's try this out! I'll update this post when I do :)

1 comment:

  1. OK....that's just bloomin' funny!!! LOL!! And you are NOT a bad mama...look, you invented a breast milk ice cream! That's true devotion, Maddie! Can't wait to see if O likes it. I have a feeling she'll LOVE it! Blessings, Pam


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